Campaign Spotlight: Every Mind Matters

Posted by Marketing & PR on 1 Jul 2024

Campaign Spotlight: Every Mind Matters

Mental health is a huge concern for many people. Seeing this need, Public Health England started the Every Mind Matters campaign. This campaign shows how behaviour change marketing can help raise mental health awareness and give people practical tools to manage their wellbeing.

Understanding the Audience

The Every Mind Matters campaign really understands its audience. It tackles the stigma around mental health and covers a range of issues, from anxiety and depression to stress and sleep problems.

It’s made to connect with different groups, including young adults, the elderly and minority groups, making sure the content is inclusive and relatable.

Empowering Individuals

The main message of Every Mind Matters is empowerment. The campaign changes the focus from just suffering to actively managing mental health. It encourages people to take a simple step: creating a personalised Mind Plan.

By answering five easy questions on the website, users get tailored advice to help them take control of their mental health. This personalised approach makes mental health care more accessible and doable for everyone.

Emotional Connection

Emotion is key to the success of the Every Mind Matters campaign. It features powerful stories from celebrities and everyday people who share their mental health journeys.

These stories normalise mental health conversations and create an emotional connection with the audience, making the campaign’s messages more impactful.

Interactive and Customised Content

Engagement is crucial for Every Mind Matters. The campaign uses interactive content, like the Mind Plan tool, to give users customised actions and tips. This level of personalisation makes the advice feel relevant to each person, increasing the chances they’ll follow through.

Consistent Messaging Across Channels

Every Mind Matters stays consistent across various media channels, including TV, digital platforms, social media and print. This multi-channel approach ensures the campaign’s messages reach a wide audience and remain top-of-mind.

Each piece of content supports the core messages while staying fresh and relevant, promoting ongoing engagement.

Clear Calls to Action

The campaign excels at giving clear, actionable steps to improve mental health. Besides creating a personalised Mind Plan, Every Mind Matters encourages people to share their experiences and support each other.

This fosters a sense of community and openness, making it easier for people to take proactive steps towards better mental health.

The Every Mind Matters campaign shows how effective behaviour change marketing can be in tackling important issues like mental health.

By combining emotional engagement, personalised content and consistent messaging, it raises awareness and empowers people to take positive action. The success of Every Mind Matters highlights the power of well-executed marketing initiatives in promoting mental wellbeing across the UK.

Our Expertise

We’ve been creating highly successful social marketing campaigns for our customers for over two decades. We love our work and use the latest marketing communication tools and customer insight techniques, such as ethnographic research and co-creation workshops. 

This allows us to develop and integrate marketing concepts with other approaches to influence behaviour that benefits individuals and whole communities – for the social good.

Within our team, we have leading nationally recognised academic professionals within Psychology, Mental Health and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy that advise what messages and mediums will deliver the best response when we scope out a communications campaign or deliver any targeted communications.

This provides our clients with the reassurance and confidence of knowing that their communication objectives are underpinned by recognised academic behavioural theory, executed with award-winning creative design and using the latest Marketing Automation communication tools, whether it’s on a local, regional or national project.

Perfect Circle has delivered social change for clients like schools, local government, not-for-profit organisations, the health sector and niche commercial businesses, and we’re really proud of what we’ve done so far.

If you’d like our help on your next Behaviour Change Marketing or Social Marketing campaign, we’d love to hear from you. Please visit our contact page and get in touch.

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Campaign Spotlight: Every Mind Matters



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