


What makes a person change their behaviour through social marketing?

Scientists and psychologists have spent an eternity trying to understand human behaviours and much ground has been gained. We are unique individuals that behave in unique ways, but it’s by analysing this behaviour over time, that marketing professionals now understand what works (and what doesn’t) when creating and...
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What technology is being used to change behaviours in 2017?

Technology drives us. It’s changed the way we work, how we communicate with each other, share data, ideas and more. As long as it’s properly applied, technology changes lives – for the better. And this is something that the healthcare sector has experienced in relation to use of the...
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Healthcare advertising in London: the newish kid on the block

There’s an exciting breed of social marketing agency in the City. Creative 'social media marketing' agencies are ten a penny, but healthcare advertising agencies capable of developing big ideas, that change lives (by influencing social and health behaviours), are different. Social marketing in London In the past few years,...
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Campaign Spotlight: Every Mind Matters
Creating Healthier and Happier Communities with Behaviour Change Marketing
Advanced Research Techniques in Marketing for Behaviour Change
Leveraging Co-Creation Workshops for Deeper Understanding in Behaviour Change



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