


How to use sport to connect with communities and change behaviours

Sport is followed by millions of people across the globe. Here in the UK, in the USA, Russia – any country where it is played, televised or supported, sport inspires belief and following across all ages. And it’s that belief that makes it such a useful tool in delivering high...
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Does a successful social marketing campaign just come down to price?

Money doesn’t grow on trees – that’s a shame. But things do have a price and it’s down to each individual to make their own choices when it comes to buying services and products. Too many businesses focus on buying the least expensive option Purchasing decisions in business...
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Can football change our world?

If you had tuned in to Radio 4 recently, you may have heard Andrea Cooper, Head of Liverpool’s Football Club Foundation talking about why she believes the game can change our world. The question is how? Football is a big deal So what is it about football that makes it...
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Can sport be used to change lives for the better?

The events that took place in Manchester recently have shocked the UK and the world. To target young children, cutting their futures short, is a crime that cannot be forgiven or forgotten. At this terrible time, however, football has brought people together. Manchester United win the Europa League for victims...
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