


Behaviour Change Example: Winter Friends Campaign

As specialists in behaviour change campaigns, we appreciate a good behaviour change example and the latest one to capture our attention is the Winter Friends campaign run by Leeds City Council. With rising energy costs, and the general cost of living skyrocketing this campaign is much needed to help communities...
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Behaviour Change Research: Why is it Vital?

Research is an important part of any marketing strategy but when it comes to behaviour change research, it is vital. Gaining a deep understanding of your target audience by putting in the research time can help you successfully encourage them to change their behaviour. A good behaviour change marketing plan...
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Mental Health Campaign Spotlight: The Check-In Campaign

Here at Perfect Circle, we appreciate a good behaviour change campaign and the latest one to capture our attention is The Check-In Campaign from the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health & Care Partnership. The Check-In Campaign is a mental health campaign that is designed to raise awareness of mental health...
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Why is Research Critical in Behaviour Change Marketing?

Women make or influence 85% of all purchasing decisions and 80% of the healthcare decisions for their family. Understanding what or who can affect your audience is why thorough research is critical in behaviour change marketing. Research is a vital component of any marketing strategy, but when it comes to behaviour change...
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Digital Marketing Tactics that Drive Behaviour Change

Mobile phones and social media have become ingrained in our everyday lives, with 45 million social media users and an estimated 94% of adults in the UK owning a mobile phone. Digital marketing tactics are becoming an essential part of behaviour change campaigns. When it comes to Behaviour Change marketing, one of...
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What Role Does Automation Play in Behaviour Change Marketing?

On average 51% of companies are currently using Marketing automation. Artificial Intelligence and Marketing Automation are having a significant impact on behaviour change marketing, they are changing the way we communicate and are driving change. Using behaviour change techniques in a campaign is an effective way to nudge people towards changing...
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How to Build an Effective Behaviour Change Email Campaign

With over 3.9 billion active email users globally and 293.6 billion emails being sent and received every day in 2019, it’s no wonder that email is such an effective tool for communicating with your audience as part of your behaviour change campaign. For many, email has become part of our everyday lives...
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3 Behaviour Change Trends for 2020

According to YouGov, 25% of people in the UK will make a New Year’s resolution, or in other terms a commitment to change a behaviour that could have a positive impact on their life. Among the most popular resolutions are to get fitter, eat healthier, quit smoking or reduce the...
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Is Facebook Part of your Behaviour Change Strategy?

According to Statista, approximately 36 million people in the UK use Facebook and by 2022 this is expected to reach in excess of 42 million. Given its popularity and how it has become a part of our everyday lives, it is an ideal platform to help drive positive behaviour change. Implementing a successful...
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How Can Changing Peoples Attitudes About Recycling Help Councils Save Money?

England’s ‘waste from households’ recycling rate has fallen following an increase in the previous year. Leading Councils to ask how can they change peoples attitudes about recycling? The decline in recycling rates means that local authorities will see an increase in their costs, as the more households throw away...
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Campaign Spotlight: Every Mind Matters
Creating Healthier and Happier Communities with Behaviour Change Marketing
Advanced Research Techniques in Marketing for Behaviour Change
Leveraging Co-Creation Workshops for Deeper Understanding in Behaviour Change



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